Babies Can Be Smarter Than Imagined

Posted by Unknown on 2/15/12

Babies Can Be Smarter Than Imagined - Although it seems the baby has not been able to speak clearly or imitating a word. However, the baby can understand many words more quickly than expected. It is based on the results of a new study.

"Infants aged 6-9 months are usually learned the meaning of the words for certain foods and the body through exposure to everyday language of the people around him. Most psychologists do not think the kind of understanding that words may be understood by children aged less than 1 year, "said researchers from the University of Pennsylvania.
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"I think it's surprising in the sense that the children at the age of majority can not say anything, have not been able to appoint, and have not been able to walk. But actually the children of that age, often pay attention and keep the understanding of many words are often heard in everyday life, "says Elika Bergelson, a doctoral student in Penn's department of psychology as reported from everydayhealth, Thursday (16/02/2012).

In conducting the study, researchers recruited 33 infants between the ages of 6-9 months. The babies look at the screen with a picture of a food and the body while sitting with his parents. Parents are given a phrase to say to children, infants are asked to find the appropriate objects in the picture.

Devices that can be used for tracking your baby's eyes reveal the phrases given. In the second test, the children through the same process but seeing pictures and scenes of traditional foods whole person, not just body parts.

After considering the possible reasons for the errors or disturbances among infants, the researchers compared the responses of infants aged 6-9 months with 50 other infants aged 10-20 months.

In both tests, the researchers found that infants aged 6-9 months appear more frequently called attention to the images than other images. The researchers argue this is a sign that the babies know the meaning of the word.

"We have already given some understanding of the phrase demonstrations, involving words like mama and papa. This study is different from understanding the words are more common, but the words that refer to the category," said Daniel Swingley, a professor in the department of psychology .

"A baby at age 8-9 months in a better understanding of the language not of infants aged 6-7 months. No significant increase is seen until the children reach the age of about 14 months," the researchers said.

"I think this study presents a good message for parents. That parents can talk to the baby and the baby will understand a little of what was said. Baby is not going to give an answer, but can understand some things. And the more babies learn words words, the more it can build a sentence of words that have been known, "said prof. Swingley.

The results of these studies have been published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Cuma Blogger said...


Babies Can Be Smarter Than Imagined
jackal said...


Babies Can Be Smarter Than Imagined

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